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Restart NSW

Enabling the funding and delivery of high-priority infrastructure projects that improve the State’s economic growth and productivity.

Local Projects

Local and community infrastructure projects are delivered by local government, non-government organisations and other entities.

The majority of these projects are selected via targeted funding programs following a range of open, competitive expressions of interest processes. Infrastructure NSW works closely with a range of NSW Government agencies which administer these programs, before making recommendations to the Treasurer for the use of Restart NSW funding.

As of June 2024, the NSW Government has provided Restart NSW funding to more than 817 local projects, for a total of $2.47 billion. Nearly 660 projects are now complete or closed, and a further 157 are in various stages of delivery.

The Restart Programs Management Office, within Infrastructure NSW, administers Restart NSW funding grants on behalf of the Treasurer for these local projects.

In early 2021, Infrastructure NSW undertook a review to assess projects delivered through the early Restart submission-based grant program rounds. The review was to test whether they have met the terms of the funding.

Pleasingly, all but 1 of the in-scope projects were delivered within their original funding grants. Projects were consistently delivered to their original scope, and remain in place and available to the community, however delays in project delivery were a common concern.

The findings of the review can be found in the Review of Restart NSW Grant-Funded Projects Report.

Funding programs supported by Restart NSW

Fixing Country Roads and Fixing Country truck Washes

Fixing Country Roads provides funding to local councils to repair and upgrade roads throughout regional NSW to improve and build efficient freight transport networks to reduce costs for businesses. It includes the co-funded Fixing Country Truck Washes program, a collaboration with the Federal Government.

The Fixing Country Roads and Fixing Country Truck Washes programs helps to fund projects that better connect local and regional roads to state highways and key freight hubs, such as silos, sale yards, rail heads, supermarket distribution centres, industrial parks and depots.

As at June 2024, 322 of these projects are complete or closed, with another 46 in various stages of delivery.

What’s the latest?

For more information on the Fixing Country Roads program, visit Transport for NSW.

NSW Cycling Infrastructure provides for the development and delivery of significant bicycle infrastructure projects in metropolitan and regional NSW with a focus on safety and the economic benefits that urban cycling infrastructure brings.

As at June 2024, 33 of these projects are complete or closed and 22 are in various stages of delivery.

As part of the NSW Government’s commitment to support growing regional centres under the Regional Growth Fund, Growing Local Economies aims to turbocharge new regional economic opportunities and provide long-term growth benefits.

Projects include road works, water supply, sewerage connections, telecommunications, education projects, saleyards and airports.

As at June 2024, 37 of these projects are complete, with 27 in various stages of delivery.

The Growing Local Economies program is now fully allocated.

What’s the latest?

For more information on the program, visit Growing Local Economies.

The Regional Growth – Environment and Tourism Fund (RGETF) aims to increase tourist visitation by investing in regional environment and tourism infrastructure. It particularly focuses on assets that will grow and further diversify NSW regional economies.

As at June 2024, 37 of these projects are complete, with 27 in various stages of delivery.

The Environment and Tourism Fund is now fully allocated.

What’s the latest?

For more information about the fund, visit Regional Growth – Environment and Tourism Fund.

Resources for Regions aims to address infrastructure constraints in mining-related communities in regional NSW and in Newcastle and Wollongong.

Projects from the Restart NSW Fund include new and improved infrastructure across the health, water, road, education and tourism sectors, as well as investment in CBD renewals to increase the attractiveness of regional NSW as a place to live, visit and do business.

As at June 2024, 60 of these Restart NSW funded Resources for Regions projects are complete or closed, with 6 in various stages of delivery.

The Resources for Regions Fund is now fully allocated.

What’s the latest?

More information on the program is available at Resources for Regions

Safe and Secure Water is a $1 billion fund securing water supply and sewerage services for NSW regional communities, with part of the program funded out of Restart NSW and the remainder funded from the government’s Consolidated Fund. This multi-phased program provides co‑funding to successful applicants such as local councils, water utilities, water corporations and prescribed dam owners for detailed planning and construction activities to install, replace, augment or decommission water and sewerage infrastructure. Projects also being delivered have been funded for Critical Drought Initiatives in Regional NSW.

As at June 2024, 57 of these projects are complete, with 21 in various stages of delivery.

It follows the successful Water Security for Regions program which delivered funding to numerous water projects across NSW for augmenting dams, pipeline and bore works and improving water efficiency mechanisms. From that program, 54 projects are complete or closed and 16 are in delivery.

The Water Security for Regions program and the Restart component of the Safe and Secure Water program are both fully allocated. Further information regarding the programs is available at the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure.

The Housing Acceleration Fund, managed by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment, was established in 2012 to deliver critical enabling infrastructure to stimulate and accelerate housing development in NSW. The fund creates opportunities for releasing housing through upgrades to roads and other infrastructure.

Restart NSW has contributed to this funding pool over a number of funding rounds, with funds used for both NSW Government agency-led projects and those managed by local councils. Of the local council projects, 25 are complete, with 12 in various stages of delivery.

What’s the latest?

A number of projects are now complete, while planning and assessment of other projects are ongoing.

More information on the program can be found at the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure.

The Cobbora Transition Fund creates infrastructure that drives economic growth and productivity in recognition of the impact that land acquisition and other activities associated with the Cobbora Coal Project have had on local communities. Funding was provided in two ways – through an expression of interest process, and through $1 million allocated directly to each of the four councils in the region.

Projects allocated funding under the Cobbora Transition Fund range from health care, roads and transport initiatives, through to tourism, events and recreation, and are spread across the region.

Fourteen projects were completed under the Cobbora Transition Fund. The fund has been fully allocated.

In 2011 the NSW Government established the Hunter Infrastructure and Investment Fund (HIIF) to enhance infrastructure in the Hunter Region, including Newcastle, and to support economic growth.

Projects funded under the submission-based component of the program have included sporting facilities, innovation precincts and the relocation of the Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter Service.

Six projects were completed under the Hunter Infrastructure and Investment Fund. The fund has been fully allocated.

The Regional Tourism Infrastructure program funds critical visitor economy infrastructure projects, such as rail trails and airports to help attract more visitors to regional NSW and make it a more attractive place to live and work.

Work has included upgrades to more than 20 regional airports; boosting their capacity and safety and increasing their ability to attract visitors to regional NSW.

Thirty-two projects were completed under the Regional Tourism Infrastructure Fund and one under Regional Development.

The fund has been fully allocated.

The Illawarra Infrastructure Fund, also known as Restart Illawarra, improves infrastructure in the Illawarra using proceeds from the long-term lease of Port Kembla.

Twelve priority infrastructure projects received funding, including aged and healthcare facilities, a technology hub, facilities for people with disabilities, pedestrian and cycle links, road links and tourism infrastructure.

Eleven projects were completed under the Illawarra Infrastructure Fund. The fund has been fully allocated.