Asset Management Occupation-Specific Capability Set
Infrastructure NSW, in partnership with the Public Service Commission and in collaboration with human resources and asset management professionals across the NSW public sector has developed an Asset Management Occupation-Specific Capability Set (AM OSCS).
Implementing good practice asset management requires a capable workforce. The need for well-defined capabilities to support recruitment to build strong asset management teams was expressed by agencies as they worked to implement the NSW AM Policy.

The AM OSCS supplements the broader NSW Public Sector Capability Framework. When used together, and in addition to any specific qualifications or certifications, the NSW Capability Framework and the AM OSCS provide a description of the capabilities required for successful performance in an asset management role. It will enable asset management and human resource teams to work together more effectively to achieve workforce outcomes and support recruitment, development and career progression for asset managers.
The role of the AM OSCS
It is intended to be used in conjunction with the NSW Capability Framework to support the full range of workforce management and development activities for asset management professionals including:
- role design and description
- recruitment
- performance development
- learning and development
- strategic workforce planning.
The NSW Capability Framework and the AM OSCS describe behaviours, but do not specify qualifications. If a qualification or professional membership is an essential requirement for the role, this remains as a pre-requisite for employment and must be indicated in the relevant role description.
Applying the AM OSCS
The NSW Capability Framework describes the capabilities and behaviours expected of NSW Public sector employees. The Asset Management Occupation Specific Capability Set is comprised of 3 capabilities that are typical of roles within the asset management profession that are beyond those in the Capability Framework. These are:
- Asset Management Strategy and Planning
- Asset Management Processes and Practices
- Asset Management Information and Data
Asset Management
Strategy and Planning
Asset Management
Processes and Practices
Asset Management
Information and Data
Align asset management policy, strategy and planning to deliver government objectives.
Manage and integrate asset lifecycle activities by balancing cost, risk and performance to meet government objectives.
Produce asset information and data that supports decision-making and continual improvement.
Within each of these capabilities, a range of behavioural indicators have been defined which describe the types of behaviours and abilities a practitioner would be expected to exhibit based on their level of experience. Four levels have been defined ranging from level 1, which generally equates to an officer level role, to level 4 which equates to a senior executive role.
Asset Management sample role descriptions
Sample role descriptions have been developed covering 5 different roles at different level of seniority within Asset Management teams. The role descriptions offer a basis upon which agencies may add requirements, qualifications, or experience required for specific functions.
The Public Service Commission Role Description builder allows agencies to easily populate necessary role description content, including the capabilities required for the role from the NSW Public Sector Capability Framework and Occupation Capability Sets, including the AMOSCS to create a suitable role description.
For further information, please contact